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Tyr Anasazi

He is Tyr Anasazi, out of Victoria by Barbarossa. He is the last of his pride and it is his fervent wish to exact revenge upon the Drago Kazov for the destruction of his pride.
From the official site:
Tyr (pronounced "Teer") Anasazi is a Nietzschean, part of a subspecies of humanity that have genetically engineered themselves to be the ultimate survivors. Because of his modifications, Tyr is much stronger and faster than a normal human.
Tyr has been thoroughly indoctrinated into his people's "kill or be killed" philosophy. Survival is his principal focus, for himself first and his friends second. Beyond that, the rest of the galaxy can go to hell as far as he's concerned.
As the last survivor of a decimated clan, Tyr is shunned by other Nietzscheans and considered unfit. For Tyr, the Andromeda represents a chance at proving his worth as well as a secure base of operations from which to make his own plans for dominance and power. Once a freelance mercenary and hired killer, Tyr now employs his deadly talents as Andromeda's fire control officer and security chief.